Sunday, May 10, 2009

Ubin Retreat

Yesterday, Team NINE headed over to Pulau Ubin for a short retreat. The purpose was not only to continue our planning for the entire trip, but also to spend some time together as a team to bond.

The rustic environment was certainly an escape for the hustle and bustle of mainland Singapore. While the long meeting on Saturday afternoon seemed like a slow start to the retreat, the walk along Chek Jawa afterwards was an energizing experience and I'm sure there isn't a single one of us who didn't enjoy the seafood dinner on Ubin. The evening was followed by a sharing session, which personally, I feel was the most important part of the retreat.

Despite the few setbacks we've become aware of, reflecting together with everyone and spending that one night in semi wilderness has given me a newfound burst of energy and enthusiasm to push the last stretch to the trip to finish off what we've started. And I hope the rest of Team NINE feel the same way too.

On behalf of P&P Team NINE